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    Order delivery

                                                                                 Fast! Safe ! Easy!

    Now it's even easier to shop online because our company delivers the desired products directly to your home or office, fast and secure!

    Terms of delivery :

    1. Delivery of products with a total value of 500 mdl or more, in Chisinau, at the address indicated by you, is FREE!

    2. Delivery of products with a total value of less than 500 mdl costs 20 MDL.

    3.Delivery in the suburbs of Chisinau costs 50 lei, regardless of the amount of purchase.

    4. The delivery is made within 72 hours of the phone confirmation of the order by the operator Carolina SRL. "Carolina" SRL reserves the right to declare delivery times if products ordered are not available in stock at the time of receiving order.  In this situation, customers will be informed and consulted about maintaining or canceling the order. 

    5. Deliveries are made from Monday to Saturday, except for public holidays, between 10.00-18.00, according to the time you have chosen by completing the order form.

    6.To avoid returning the order, please indicate all the details of the address where you want to receive the order. If your address is different from the one where you want to deliver the products, please specify this when placing the order.

    7. On delivery, the products will be accompanied by the following documents: * Fiscal invoice in original; * payment receipt, if payment is made in cash, upon delivery of ordered products.

    ! The absence of a notice from us and the expiration of the delivery term entitles you to refuse the takeover at any time. If you are not found at the specified address, within the agreed timeframe, our courier will return once again after re-establishing your contact for a new delivery date. If, for the second time, you have not been found in the above-mentioned adress, in the period agreed upon with our courier, your order will be canceled and the product returned to the headquarters!